8 research outputs found

    Fast and Sample-Efficient Federated Low Rank Matrix Recovery from Column-wise Linear and Quadratic Projections

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    This work studies the following problem and its magnitude-only extension: develop a federated solution to recover an n×qn \times q rank-rr matrix, X=[x1,x2,...xq]X^* =[x^*_1 , x^*_2 ,...x^*_q], from mm independent linear projections of each of its columns, i.e., from yk:=Akxk,k[q]y_k := A_k x^*_k , k \in [q], where yky_k is an mm-length vector. Even though low-rank recovery problems have been extensively studied in the last decade, this particular problem has received surprisingly little attention. There exist only two provable solutions with a reasonable sample complexity, both of which are slow, have sub-optimal sample-complexity, and cannot be federated efficiently. We introduce a novel gradient descent (GD) based solution called GD-min that needs only Ω((n+q)r2log(1/ϵ))\Omega((n+q) r^2 \log(1/\epsilon)) samples and O(mqnrlog(1/ϵ))O( mq nr \log (1/\epsilon)) time to obtain an ϵ\epsilon-accurate estimate. Based on comparison with other well-studied problems, this is the best achievable sample complexity guarantee for a non-convex solution to the above problem. The time complexity is nearly linear and cannot be improved significantly either. Finally, in a federated setting, our solution has low communication cost and maintains privacy of the nodes' data and of the corresponding column estimates

    Low rank phase retrieval

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    We study the Low Rank Phase Retrieval (LRPR) problem defined as follows: recover an n×qn \times q matrix \Xstar of rank rr from a different and independent set of mm phaseless (magnitude-only) linear projections of each of its columns. To be precise, we need to recover \Xstar from \y_k := |\A_k{}' \xstar_k|, k=1,2,\dots, q when the measurement matrices \A_k are mutually independent. Here \y_k is an mm length vector, \A_k is an n×mn \times m matrix, and ' denotes matrix transpose. The question is when can we solve LRPR with mnm \ll n? A reliable solution can enable fast and low-cost phaseless dynamic imaging, e.g., Fourier ptychographic imaging of live biological specimens. In this work, we develop first provably correct approaches for solving this LRPR problem. Our guarantee shows that the proposed algorithm solves LRPR to ϵ\epsilon accuracy, with high probability, as long as mqCnr3log(1/ϵ)m q \ge C n r^3 \log(1/\epsilon), the matrices \A_k contain i.i.d. standard Gaussian entries, and the right singular vectors of \Xstar satisfy the incoherence assumption from matrix completion literature. Here CC is a numerical constant that only depends on the condition number of \Xstar and on its incoherence parameter. Its time complexity is only Cmqnrlog2(1/ϵ) C mq nr \log^2(1/\epsilon). We introduce a simple extension of our results for the dynamic LRPR setting as well. We also develop a federated solution to recover an n×qn \times q rank-rr matrix, \Xstar =[\xstar_1 , \xstar_2 ,...\xstar_q], from mm independent linear projections of each of its columns, i.e., from \y_k := \A_k \x_k^* , k \in [q], where \y_k is an mm-length vector. Even though low-rank recovery problems have been extensively studied in the last decade, this particular problem has received surprisingly little attention. There exist only two provable solutions with a reasonable sample complexity, both of which are slow, have sub-optimal sample-complexity, and cannot be federated efficiently. We introduce a novel gradient descent (GD) based solution called GD-min that needs only Ω((n+q)r2log(1/ϵ))\Omega((n+q) r^2 \log(1/\epsilon)) samples and O(mqnrlog(1/ϵ))O( mq nr \log (1/\epsilon)) time to obtain an ϵ\epsilon-accurate estimate. Based on comparison with other well-studied problems, this is the best achievable sample complexity guarantee for a non-convex solution to the above problem. The time complexity is nearly linear and cannot be improved significantly either. Finally, in a federated setting, our solution has low communication cost and maintains privacy of the nodes' data and of the corresponding column estimates.</p

    Low rank phase retrieval

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    We study the Low Rank Phase Retrieval (LRPR) problem defined as follows: recover an n×qn \times q matrix \Xstar of rank rr from a different and independent set of mm phaseless (magnitude-only) linear projections of each of its columns. To be precise, we need to recover \Xstar from \y_k := |\A_k{}' \xstar_k|, k=1,2,\dots, q when the measurement matrices \A_k are mutually independent. Here \y_k is an mm length vector, \A_k is an n×mn \times m matrix, and ' denotes matrix transpose. The question is when can we solve LRPR with mnm \ll n? A reliable solution can enable fast and low-cost phaseless dynamic imaging, e.g., Fourier ptychographic imaging of live biological specimens. In this work, we develop first provably correct approaches for solving this LRPR problem. Our guarantee shows that the proposed algorithm solves LRPR to ϵ\epsilon accuracy, with high probability, as long as mqCnr3log(1/ϵ)m q \ge C n r^3 \log(1/\epsilon), the matrices \A_k contain i.i.d. standard Gaussian entries, and the right singular vectors of \Xstar satisfy the incoherence assumption from matrix completion literature. Here CC is a numerical constant that only depends on the condition number of \Xstar and on its incoherence parameter. Its time complexity is only Cmqnrlog2(1/ϵ) C mq nr \log^2(1/\epsilon). We introduce a simple extension of our results for the dynamic LRPR setting as well. We also develop a federated solution to recover an n×qn \times q rank-rr matrix, \Xstar =[\xstar_1 , \xstar_2 ,...\xstar_q], from mm independent linear projections of each of its columns, i.e., from \y_k := \A_k \x_k^* , k \in [q], where \y_k is an mm-length vector. Even though low-rank recovery problems have been extensively studied in the last decade, this particular problem has received surprisingly little attention. There exist only two provable solutions with a reasonable sample complexity, both of which are slow, have sub-optimal sample-complexity, and cannot be federated efficiently. We introduce a novel gradient descent (GD) based solution called GD-min that needs only Ω((n+q)r2log(1/ϵ))\Omega((n+q) r^2 \log(1/\epsilon)) samples and O(mqnrlog(1/ϵ))O( mq nr \log (1/\epsilon)) time to obtain an ϵ\epsilon-accurate estimate. Based on comparison with other well-studied problems, this is the best achievable sample complexity guarantee for a non-convex solution to the above problem. The time complexity is nearly linear and cannot be improved significantly either. Finally, in a federated setting, our solution has low communication cost and maintains privacy of the nodes' data and of the corresponding column estimates

    Provable Low Rank Phase Retrieval

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    Low-Rank Phase Retrieval

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